

A LET C Classique litt. enfant Disponible


Auteur(s) : Taï-Marc Le Thanh
Edition : Gautier-Languereau2005
ISBN :9782013911283
Format : 29 cm Non paginé, ill.

Public : Jeunesse

Autres auteurs :
Rebecca Dautremer [Illustrateur]
Taï-Marc Le Thanh [Auteur]
Edmond Rostand [Auteur]

Sujet(s) :
Cyrano de Bergerac (théâtre)

Cyrano avait un gros pif. Quand il fumait, il se brûlait toujours le bout du nez, mais quand la pluie tombait, sa moustache n'était jamais mouillée. Il était aussi très amoureux de Roxane, sa cousine, qui, elle, était amoureuse de Christian. Comme Cyrano était laid mais intelligent, et Christian, beau mais stupide, ils décidèrent de s'allier pour séduire Roxane. Cyrano soufflerait ses vers à Christian qui les clamerait à son tour à Roxane...

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titre:   Cyrano

Auteur(s):   Barry Kornhauser,  

Année de publication:   2003

Edition(s):   Dramatic Publishing

Nombre de pages:   212


titre:   Cyrano de Bergerac

Auteur(s):   Edmond Rostand,  

Année de publication:   2016-02-19

Edition(s):   Bloomsbury Publishing

Nombre de pages:   70

Swordsman, Philosopher, Poet, Raconteur Cyrano de Bergerac is all these things, but none of them makes him happy. What he desires above all is the love of the beautiful Roxane. But his problem is as plain as the nose on his face. Surely he is too ugly ever to be loved? Salvation of a kind arrives in the form of the handsome yet tongue-tied Christian de Neuvillette might not Cyrano's eloquence and Christian s beauty together win Roxane? Yet duelling foes, powerful rivals, and a war against Spain will all put our hero to the test before he finds his way at last into his lady's arms.

titre:   Cyrano

Auteur(s):   Edmond Rostand,  

Année de publication:   2017-04-14

Edition(s):   Bloomsbury Publishing

Nombre de pages:   138

His uniform is picturesque; a hat with triple plume Doublet, cape, and sword - worn like a peacock's tail. From the eyebrows up, he's all feathers From the neck down, it's buckle and swash - But squeezed between is a nose – a nose... A modest poet such as I must fail entirely To describe this gross, immodest, monstrous nose. Cyrano de Bergerac, a brilliant poet and swordsman, is deeply in love with his brilliant and beautiful cousin Roxane. Each day of his life is lived only for her – every poem he writes, every duel he fights. But, despite his dash and his daring, Cyrano is afraid of revealing his true feelings, certain she will never love him in return. For who could love a man with such an enormous nose? Award-winning playwright Deborah McAndrew has adapted Edmond Rostand's original 1897 play of unrequited love set in the golden age of musketeers. This version of Cyrano de Bergerac, for 13 actors, received its world premiere at the New Vic Theatre, Newcastle, on 3 February 2017 as part of a national tour, produced by Northern Broadsides and the New Vic Theatre.

titre:   Cyrano de Bergerac

Auteur(s):   Edmond Rostand,  

Année de publication:   1898


Nombre de pages:   280


titre:   CliffsNotes on Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac

Auteur(s):   LaRocque DuBose,  
Estelle DuBose,  

Année de publication:   2007-08-20

Edition(s):   Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Nombre de pages:   71

This is the famous 19th-century play about a great swordsman and poet with the unseemly large nose. Although he is feared by opponents, he cannot court the woman of his dreams, except through anonymously sent poems, which makes for a romantic and adventurous tale.

titre:   Cyrano de Bergerac: Literary Touchstone Classic

Auteur(s):   Edmond Rostand,  

Année de publication:   2006

Edition(s):   Prestwick House Inc

Nombre de pages:   146


titre:   A Study Guide for Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac

Auteur(s):   Gale, Cengage Learning,  

Année de publication:   2015-09-24

Edition(s):   Gale, Cengage Learning

Nombre de pages:   37


titre:   Cyrano de Bergerac


Année de publication:   1899


Nombre de pages:   234


titre:   The Adventures of Cyrano de Bergerac

Auteur(s):   Louis Gallet,  

Année de publication:   1898


Nombre de pages:   470


titre:   Cyrano de Bergerac: by Edmond Rostand

Auteur(s):   Edmond Rostand,  
Eric Merrill Budd,  

Année de publication:   2005-12-01


Nombre de pages:   258

Since its premier in 1897, Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac has remained a classic of the world stage. With a heart as big as his nose, the poet-swordsman lends his words and wit to the handsome but tongue-tied Christian to win the hand of the fair Roxane. But, who does she truly love in the end? In this fresh and accessible new English translation, author Eric Merrill Budd brings Cyrano to life for a twenty-first century audience.

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